Sunday, February 6, 2011

On capturing the ideas - my notebooks

     I love my notebooks.  As thoughts, ideas and images come to me, there's nothing like collecting them all in one place.  I used to think think sheer memory alone could handle all the information.  Well, not so much.  Too many frantic times rifling through stacks of junk, trying to find that one article, note or photo.  I also tried a "deluxe filing system". With all the organization stuff available now at The Container Store and Bed, Bath & Beyond, how could this not work?   I did everything by the book - creating file folders, labeling boxes and even color coding tabs!   Nope, still not right.  Way too much effort and, more importantly, not easily accessible.  Notebooks give me so much freedom.  Freedom to write.  Freedom to sketch.  Freedom to attach photos, business cards, spec sheets, or even fabric swatches.  In many ways, notebooks operate like an interior designer's "concept or mood" bulletin board - a comprehensive display that visually encapsulates of all their thinking.  I guess it simply comes down to portability.  By having my notebook with me, I feel more readily available to capture the unexpected.

     So I created this blog in essence to share my notebooks with you.   I'll post whatever inspires me along the way and maybe it in turn will inspire you.  There will be renovations to consider, parties to plan and stuff to buy (well...maybe someday.)

     I also encourage you to begin collecting your own of thoughts and ideas.  Determine which method is best for you.  And realize, while it may feel like you're producing some random design "catch-all", over time you'll realize its true value.  Like when a project moves from a "what if" to "how soon", you'll already have a more focused perspective on the products and style(s) that excite you.

     Now get started.  You'll see it makes daydreaming about what is possible just a little more fun.

     Till next time...

Post Note:  
     There are many outlets to buy notebooks.  If you like spiral bound or 3-ring versions, Staples and OfficeMax have the best selection. Experience speaking, be sure to buy one with a plastic cover.  Cardboard or fabric are great at first, but easily get tattered when being carried around by sweaty palms or spilled on at Starbucks. My new favorite?  The artists sketchbook.  Weighty, bound with blank, unlined pages of thick luxurious paper. Paper and art stores have them.  I found my latest at Barnes & Noble - with a cool Jonathan Adler designed cover.  It inspires creativity all by itself.