Early on, I went early to a dinner party to help a friend set the table. When I asked him for the napkins, he replied "they're in the armoire, a.k.a, the prop closet." Huh? Oh I get it. Wait...that's perfect!
I absolutely fell in love with this term. It conjures up backstage images of set designers rummaging around a storage room trying to construct their latest vision. The room would look like some home store on steroids - this pattern, that piece, this period, that color. Kind of like the clothing designer sample room in the movie Devil wears Prada. The possible combinations are endless.
While most of us don't have the luxury of either the space for or money to fill a room like that, the idea is still right on. Keep as much of a variety of items on hand to give your creativity some space to breathe. I'm not talking about large, cumbersome items or amounts (no hoarding, please). These should be things that are generally pretty small and can be easily tucked away. Table linens, china, candlesticks, picture frames, vases, votives, coasters, glassware, serving trays and bowls are just some ideas.
Where do you get all these things? My advice - acquire them over time. Styles change, your tastes change, seasons change, and most importantly, prices change. Collect ideas from magazines, department store displays, friends homes. Don't buy too much right away, just start with just a few "foundation" pieces. Wait for mark-downs/sales. Search flea markets. Check out outlet stores. You may not find the exact item you want, but I've found equally good substitutes that convey the same look for dramatically less cost. And don't underestimate the power of Ebay. Just about anything you could want is being sold there. Finally, if you are lucky, never pass up the heirloom family treasures - filled with memories, loaded with style. Your objective: the more diverse the mix, the more unique it is.
For those of us who are a little more crafty, don't forget to keep around some tools like floral foam, wire, string and duct tape. (I also have chicken wire!) You'd be surprised how often they can be used. And when buying these items, don't be afraid to stock up a little. You'll smile on some future project when you wish you had more of "something" only to realize you already do!
In the end, it's about you and your vision. What other decorative elements do you already own that could be put to creative use? Gather them up. And get them into your own prop closet.